Google Summer of Code August Update

Google Summer of Code August Update

Midi is finished

Midi support should be ready for testing, most of the features have been implemented including a Midi Keyboard. Check out the midi branch to see it!

Midi will be automatically enabled when the user write declare options “[MIDI:on]“;

Doing this took awhile due to me having trouble with declaring two global variables, apparently I needed to specify them outside of header files or classes, which was a bit counterintuitive to me. But other than that implementing the features is pretty straightforward


Currently, in Faust, you can specify UI metadata in code which will contain changes to the UI. When I was writing the proposal, I did not know this feature wasn’t already implemented in Amati. If I had known I would’ve put this in the proposal, and IMO, it would provide a better user experience than some of the stuff I wrote in my original proposal. I think having these functionality would be more important than stuff like keyboard shortcuts or opening faust files in an external editor

For my approach, I tried to use a builder design pattern, but it only somewhat follows it. What I would do is iterate over all the metadata and if there are value key pairs, the related function will be called which build on top of the attachment/slider. The slider/VTS attachment will both be returned.

Currently, only a few of the metadata are implemented. I had run into problem with the scale in particular due to some weird behaviours that I am still trying to figure out. I am trying to use ValueConverter to convert the values, but the slider doesn’t seem to update. So what I set a skewfactor to the slider. It worked, but now the value changed is not right, even though it is on my debugger, so it’s something I am still trying to figure out.

Plans for the rest of the months

  • Get slider working
  • Polyphonic support
  • Fix the bug that’s related to VST/CLAP formats
  • SVG generation
  • Enable Scrolling in the parameters section
  • Implement Most of the metadata stuff

I think the above would cover most of my primary goals, the rest are stretch goals which are less important IMO. If possible, I would like an extension of two weeks (?) to polish up the project, but otherwise I could still finish in time, but just might not be all of the above If the above isn’t finished on time, I will still continue to work on this project in my spare time and hopefully finish the rest.

© 2024 Tyler Li